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The Ham-Hams


This is Hamtaro! He loves to go on adventures, he's curious and he loves-well, I dont wanna spoil it for you who dont know. xD


This is Bijou! She is French, (French ppls rock!) She loves Hamtaro, and she wears the blue ribbons 'cause Hamtaro said she looked cute in them.


This is Boss! He's a feild ham. He loves Bijou also, jelous of Hamtaro stealing the show, he would probably never have the guts to tell Bijou his true feelings for her.


This is Snoozer! There's a good reason why he's named that. He sleeps all day and night. Not one episode of my memory has he awoken and walked. xD


This is Sandy! She is an athletic hamster. She is the twin brother of Stan, she keeps him from flirting with girls when he's in action.


This is Stan! He flirts with girls a LOT. Especialy a beautiful stranger he crosses. Sandy usualy stops him from flirting with her gal-pals.


This is Maxwell! He's the smartest of the bunch. He almost always has a book under his arm, and he loves Sandy.


This is Cappy! He ALWAYS has a green cap on. Caps are his favorite thing in the world. And he admires Boss.


This is Jingle! He's the wandering ham-ham poet. He rides his trusty pig Herbert, and he makes no sence out of his poems. (To me they make sence.)


This is Penelope! She is the baby of the group. Pashmina takes care of her like a big sister, and she never takes off her yellow blanket. All she ever says is Ookyoo and Ookwee.


This is Panda. There's a reason why he's named that. He looks like a Panda. xD Well, he is a carpenter...


This is Dexter. He rivals with Howdy for Pashmina's love. His owner works in an eye-glass shop. And he takes care of Penelope for Pashmina for her to love him.


This is Pashmina! She is being fought over by Dexter and Howdy constantly. She treats Penelope like her little sister. She wears the pink scarf her owner gave her 24 / 7.


This is Oxnard! He really reminds me of an ox sometimes, big. xD He eats a lot of sunflowerseeds, unfortunatly, he always looses them. So, it gets annoying for hamtaro to keep on finding them for him. XD


And this is Howdy. He is from Texas. (Texas rocks also) And he rivals Dexter for Pashmina. Fighting every day, really gets old. He also takes care of Penelope for Pashmina's love.